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Five Signs Your Child May Have A Foot Problem

Five Signs Your Child May Have A Foot Problem

Children’s health can be a very mysterious thing. They pretend to be sick to skip school, they can shake off the most frightening of bumps and falls, and they often can’t vocalise their issues. As a parent, it is your job to monitor them for signs of ill-health. In this blog, we’re going to look at five signs your child may be experiencing foot problems.

Benefits of Foam Rolling for your Feet

Whether you’re a top-notch athlete or a waiter who spends their days running around for hours on end, there are a lot of reasons our feet can ache. There are many ways to address such pain; foothbaths, massages, more comfortable shoes. While all of these methods can help relieve foot pain, today we’re going to focus on the benefits of foam rolling for your feet.