01 611 1740 To Make An Appointment or info@spectrumhealth.ie

Foot Pain Treatment in Counties Across Ireland.

Most people will experience some sort of foot pain at some stage in their life. There are many conditions which can cause added stress on your feet leading to pain and discomfort.

Many people suffer from a biomechanical imbalance which can cause flat feet, arch pain, plantar fasciitis leading to pain in the foot and lower limbs. Other conditions such as Pain in the Ball of the Foot (Metatarsalgia), Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Diabetes, may also cause foot pain and discomfort. Symptoms of foot pain may also be due to bunions, heel spur, Morton’s Neuroma, Runner’s Knee, sprained ankle and shin splints.

Our Treatment

Initial Consultation: Our Podiatrists will assess your foot to help determine the cause of your pain and relieve your foot of pain and discomfort. A personalised treatment plan will be designed and we can provide preventative foot care advice for the future. If appropriate, we will perform a biomechanic assessment and casting for orthotics or corrective footwear to ensure there is no underlying biomechanical issue which needs to be resolved.

Follow Up: Depending on your condition, there are many different treatment options for foot pain, which we will discuss with you on your visit. Our Podiatrist will help you to achieve effective relief from foot pain and will work with you to prevent the pain reappearing in future.


What Our Podiatrists Say

All of our Podiatrists are fully qualified with extensive clinical experience in the treatment of foot pain. On your first visit, we will set out a plan to quickly relieve your pain and discomfort. Our Podiatrists will not just treat the pain in your foot, but will also help you understand the cause of your pain and how to manage or prevent future re-occurrence.

Matthew Smith, BSc Podiatry SCPI

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