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5 Essential Tips for Summer Foot Care: Keeping Your Feet Healthy and Happy

As we hope for warm weather this summer and sandals become the footwear of choice, it is important to pay extra attention to the health and wellbeing of your feet. Summer brings unique challenges for foot care, from increased exposure to heat and moisture to the risk of sunburn and fungal infections. To keep your feet healthy and happy during the summer months, here are five essential tips from our podiatrists: 

  1. Keep Your Feet Clean and Dry:

    Sweat and moisture can accumulate more quickly in the summer, creating a perfect environment for bacteria and fungi to grow and thrive. To prevent infections like athlete's foot, it's vital that you keep your feet clean and dry. Wash your feet daily with soap and water, making sure to dry them thoroughly, especially between the toes. Wearing moisture-wicking socks and breathable footwear can also help keep your feet dry and comfortable throughout the day. 

  2. Protect Your Feet from the Sun:

    Like the rest of your body, your feet can be damaged from the sun. Excessive sun exposure can cause painful burns, peeling skin, and an increased risk of skin cancer. Whenever you're outdoors, don't forget to apply sunscreen to your feet, especially if they're exposed. Opt for a broad-spectrum sun block with an SPF of 30+ and be sure to reapply every two hours, or more if you're swimming or sweating profusely. 

  3. Choose the Right Footwear:

    Summer footwear often means sandals, flip-flops, and open-toed shoes, but not all styles are created equal when it comes to the health of your feet. Look for sandals with adequate arch support, cushioning, and straps that securely hold your feet in place. Avoid shoes with thin soles and minimal support, as they can increase the risk of foot pain and injuries. When possible, opt for breathable materials like leather or mesh to help prevent excessive sweating and discomfort. 

  4. Prevent Foot Odour and Fungal Infections:

    With warmer temperatures and increased sweating, foot odor and fungal infections can become more prevalent during the summer months. To combat foot odour, practice good hygiene by washing your feet at least once per day and wearing clean socks made of a breathable material like cotton, bamboo or hemp. Consider using foot powders or antifungal sprays to help keep your feet dry and prevent fungal growth. If you frequent public pools or locker rooms, consider wearing protective footwear to reduce the risk of picking up a fungal infection or verruca. 

  5. Stay Hydrated and Elevate Your Feet:

    Prolonged periods of standing or walking in the heat can lead to swollen and tired feet. To reduce swelling and pain, stay hydrated by drinking adequate water throughout the day. Whenever possible, take breaks to elevate your feet above heart level to support circulation and reduce swelling. Additionally, gentle foot massages or soaking your feet in cool water can provide relief and help soothe tired muscles. 

By following these five tips for summer foot care, you can keep your feet healthy, comfortable, and ready to enjoy all that the summer weather hopefully has to offer. Remember to listen to your body and seek professional treatment from a podiatrist if you start to experience persistent foot pain, swelling, or other concerning symptoms. With proper attention and care, you can step into summer with confidence and keep your feet happy every step of the way.